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Christen Mocha

Program Facilitator

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Christen Mocha works in the data space for the Federal Reserve System.  She earned her BS in Accounting at Purdue University and graduated with her MBA from DePaul University.


Christen is the 6th of her grandmother’s 8 grandchildren and always found mentorship in her older cousins (even if she didn’t know to call it that until she was an adult).  Having her cousins and other adults consistently pour into her as a child inspired her to give back to youth as well - as a youth soccer coach and referee throughout high school and ultimately as a LOV mentor beginning when she was 22.


When she’s not working or mentoring her 7 mentees, Christen enjoys spending time with her family, especially her wife and younger brother.  She also enjoys traveling, having visited 5 continents so far and looking forward to adding the final 2 to her list.  Christen has serviced with Ladies of Virtue since 2014. She currently serves as the Queens co-lead for the Saturday Institute.

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